In addition to the Cheerios, we are also now offering the girls fruit puffs. These are “starter” hard foods. And, just like the cheerios, one goes in and one comes out. 🙂 But, heh, they aren’t even 7 months old yet, so it’s just the beginning!
And, as for the sippy cup, Em is progressing very well! I put the rest of their bottle in it today and she was drinking it up at dinner. Abby is still considering what it is there for. If you hold it up to her mouth, she will suck from it, but she won’t hold it and do it herself (miss Independent *wants* to do it herself — Em that is!). She’ll get there eventually!
And, the final neato thing is that Em is officially off Zantac! (off course she’ll need a “dose” once I post this). She hasn’t had any for nearly 2 weeks now. Woohoo!
Abby continues to show a need, especially in the evening/late afternoon. For some reason that time of day seems to bother her, so we use it sparingly (the .5ml baby dose once/day still) and will do so until she can go several days without complaint.