I took Reeses to the vet today. Two nights ago, I was petting her and she felt like skin and bones. I looked at her food dish and it was full. Figuring Ron or Joseph had fed her, I asked and neither had which meant she’s not been eating.
Her water dish has been emptied and refilled pretty regularly as has her litter box, but not her food.
She threw up some rubber bands (she like to eat them so we have to be careful not to leave them out!) but that’s been a couple of weeks ago.
According to the vet, she’s lost nearly 1 lb in 2 months which is really significant on a 7lb cat!
Ron thinks she’s depressed. She certainly hasn’t gotten much attention lately thanks to the busy-ness in our house. And, OJ being gone for several months now leaves her alone. Maybe we need to get her a kitty-cat friend (who wants to bet Ron comments on that?)
The vet has given her a saline (I think) boulos (sp?) and heard a heart murmur, which no one has noticed before. Could be from dehydration. They are running bloodwork on her which will be back at the end of the day. At her age (she’s only 8), the Dr. said it could be nothing, or it could be diabetes or kidney disease or even hypothyroid (but that usually makes them eat like pigs and still lose weight).
She just looks so skinny, but she never complained! She didn’t complain about the ingrown nail either! What a cat! 🙂