One ounce of breastmilk = 1 oz gold
Twins exclusively fed from breastmilk = -$3000
One who sleeps from 9:30 pm – 5:30 am straight = priceless
Ok, no need for Mastercard in this picture! I’m up particularly early today because I have to pump. No way am I going to wait until 9am. I would get too many stretch marks on my left side.
Abby went down at 9:30pm and woke up to eat at 5:37am!
Emily, on the other hand, refused to go to sleep, so ended up in bed with me at 11pm and nursed a couple of times during the night. S’ok though… I can literally sleep through one nursing baby!
So, let’s add one more line to that Mastercard commercial…
One Mom who gets 6 straight hours of sleep = rested.