The early morning hours of our first Sunday away from home were trying and tiring. Neither of the girls would sleep in the bassinett my Mom bought for their use. We think it as just too cold for them.
The basement (our room at my parent’s house) is quite cool and while we like that, the girls did not. So we had them cuddled in bed with us. At home, we have a king size bed, but the basement futon is probably full to queen (max) and doesn’t accommodate two babies and two adults! I was actually happy upon the 8am hour, so I could just get myself up and ready for church. It was a long night!
We did manage to get up and out to church (on time!) too. We went to SouthFork, Ron’s parent’s church, in Winston-Salem. Of course, this church has heard tons about the girls thanks to the Bickers Grandparents! This was the first visit, so they got A LOT of attention! They were wonderful during the service and didn’t make a peep!
But, of course, once through, when everyone was taking a look, Abby woke up (hungery of course!) and I ended up feeding her while Emily became the one everyone checked out. We often go out to lunch afterward (today no exception) but patience prevailed as immediately following Abby’s lunch session, Emily woke-up hungry and had to eat too. So, while in former days we might have gotten to eat around 11:30 am or 12:00 pm at the latest, this time we pulled in at 12:30pm.
The girls were again great at Mi Peublo (as they have been at all restaurants we’ve dined in so far). We visited with the Bickers more and Great-Grandma and then headed for the Deckers for swimming. I got in a good 20 minutes of fun while the girls slept with Ron and then got tagged for food again.
It was quite nice, though, sitting on a blanket outside in the shade. The girls really enjoyed it too! Too much, I believe, as they didn’t eat enough, so we had a marathon 1-2 hour on and off session. It was ok though as it was just so nice out!
We got to visit with Danny, Katrina and their Abbey. She’s just about the same size as our Abby (but a little bigger already). Poor little thing suffers from a milk allergy and yucky baby acne, just like our Emily does (the acne that is). No fun! It’ll be cute when these three can really interact with each other!
We didn’t leave until 9pm just because everything takes longer than planned/expected. But that’s ok. Ron’s nap helped him to stay awake as we drove home, but I got some much needed sleep. Joseph watched Atlantis, Milo’s Return (again) during the trip home! That DVD system in our van is just awesome!! The girls slept the whole way and woke up and ate (as if they hadn’t eaten in a week) when we we got home.
All in all, this was a great first trip and proves we can do it with three kids!