Tonight was Joseph’s YMCA camp family night. As it is Olypmic week, it was Camp Crossroads vs Camp Discovery (Joseph’s camp) in “Olympic style” games. The camp with the most points at the end won the “torch”.
We were a bit late (as usual) so Joseph only got to play one game (throwing darts at balloons to try and pop them). Then, the last events were while everyone watched. A couple of kid/parent teams from each camp participated in some water balloon based activities. Not us though!
The end to the evening was Italian Ice from the newest Apex store. It was ‘ok’. Not the greatest, but basically tasted like watered-down ice cream.
Joseph had fun though and that was what was important. Grandma and Grandpa Bickers joined us for the first part of the evening, but they had to leave to get home.
Joseph really liked showing off his twin sisters to all the counselors. No one has gotten to see them until tonight. We figured it was safe because the entire activity was outside. Our current state is to keep them away from congested areas and while yes, it was highly congested, we were outside with a nice breeze and cool air.
Joseph introduced them as “the twins”. Apparently he talks them up a storm at camp and several counselors were excited to finally see them, saying that they’ve heard a ton about them.