The MINI is sold!

Well, after 2 months on and the MINI did not sell on its own, so we took it to CarMax. Based on our valuation of the car, they did in fact give us a good deal and we’re not at all unhappy with the sale.

Given the girls will be coming home this week, having that off our shoulders is a major relief!

On an interesting note, after deciding to take it to CarMax today, we said, “wouldn’t it be funny if we actually got a call from someone interested in the car, today?” Since, NO ONE has inquired about the car we truly figured this wouldn’t happen.

But, guess what? It did happen! We actually got a call (voice mail) from someone interested in the car and wanting to come see it today! Of all things! Too bad for them, they were in fact too late.

Now, they’ll have to pay even more to CarMax in order to get it. Oh well!

Now the only mini in our family is the van! Not quite the same, but nice, none-the-less.