Family visit…

The three of us went to visit the girlies this evening after TaeKwonDo. Both were sleeping peacefully when we showed up to rouse them from their sleep!

Abby and Emily both nursed again! Abby went for 30 minutes, while Emily latched for 20. Em typically now takes less time when eating. She’s more of a piggie, like her big brother!

Joseph got bored pretty fast, so he sat out in the office area of the NICU for about 30 minutes. I’d asked him to read to the girls, but he was just not interested in doing so, so instead he got into a funk and sat outside. One of the NICU nurses spent 10 minutes or so talking with him. That, he did enjoy!

Emily now weighs 4lbs 13oz and Abby went down a bit to 5lbs 11oz. Who really knows why one does one and the other the opposite, but I think we’ll be seeing a lot of that in the coming days/weeks/years!

No desats or apneas in the last day (knock on wood)! Let’s hope this is a sign of things to come!