Joseph tends to get bored pretty quickly when we visit the girls. There really isn’t a lot he can do in the Nursery and other babies within it are off limits completely.
So, for this visit, I asked him to bring a book that he can read to the girls. He sat in a rocking chair and read “But Not the Hippopotamus” and “What I Like About You” to them both.
Both girls were wide-eyed for the majority of the time we spent with them and Joseph was extremely well behaved, particularly because he was actively involved in something with them.
The girls obviously get a kick out of him. They both know his voice and respond very well to him. So, now, the goal will be to bring a book each time we visit. This way, perhaps, he’ll remain involved and feel “useful” during the visits.
While he has held them each, he doesn’t like to for long… says they are heavy. This will be good practice though for 2nd grade!